I feel there are several things that can be done to help protect the victims:
1.) When an Elder or MS first hears of a child abuse complaint they should be required to encourage the accuser and or guardian to file a police report.
2.) Regardless of the accuser's and or guardian's intention to - or not to - file a police report the Elder or MS must make the authorities aware of the complaint.
3.) Any and all testimony taken from the accuser by the Elders must be recorded and made available to the authorities upon request.
4.) Any and all testimony taken from the accused by the Elders must be recorded and made available to the authorities upon request.
5.) Upon receiving a complaint of child abuse the Elders must inform the congregation that a child abuse complaint has been made by one of the congregation members against another congregation member. If the accuser and accused are in separate halls the notice must be made in both halls. The identity of both the accuser and accused must remain confidential.
6.) If the accused confesses to the Elders that they abused a child then the identity of the accused and nature of their crime must be made public to the congregation. If the accused transfers to another congregation the new congregation shall be made aware of the name accused and that they have admitted to child abuse.
7.) If an individual has been convicted of child abuse in the court of law it shall be made known to their congregation by the elders that their is a convicted child abuser in the congregation and the identity of the offender. When the individual transfers to a new congregation it shall be made know by the elders that individual is a convicted child abuser.
8.) If a complaint is made in a hall or it becomes known that a convicted child abuser is in the congregation a special public needs talk shall be given on what children should do if they are abused, on what members should do if they suspect a child has/is being abused, and what legal resources are available to them.
9.) Parents who have children that are minors in a congregation that has a confessed or convicted child abuser must be allowed to transfer their families to another congregation if they wish to without interference from the BOE.